

At Clay Street Center, our members can choose between various stimulating programs throughout the day. We have multiple rooms for all kinds of activities, including dining and socializing, being creative, learning new things, exercising or taking a nap. We also have a wonderful front porch and a garden that provides the opportunity to dig in the dirt or just sit peacefully and admire the beauty.

Elderley person receiving care for their health from a nurse
Elderley person receiving care for their health from a nurse

Health and Wellness

Clay Street Center has an on-site Registered Nurse Director, with over 40 years of experience.  A health assessment is performed on admission.  Vital signs and weights are taken monthly or more.  Our nurse administers medications, monitors chronic health conditions, develops personalized care plans for each member and interacts with other providers on your health care team.

Personal Hygiene

Assistance in the bathroom and with personal hygiene is provided as needed. We have a barber station for hair care and shaving.  Our handicap accessible bathroom and walk in shower, funded by a generous grant from the Greenville Area Community Foundation, allows us to provide bathing services.  We are also available, by appointment, to assist older adults living in the community with showering.

Showers are

$30.00 for members of the community

$20.00 for Clay Street Center members

Physical Exercise

Our members exercise every day to improve strength, balance, and well-being.  Group exercise,  a walking track, a NuStep cross trainer and chair-zumba class are just a sampling of the physical activities offered. Members also enjoy walks outside on the Flat River Trail, weather permitting.  Research shows that regular exercise improves physical strength and balance, helps reduce falls, decreases stress, improves mood and sleep and can slow the progression of dementia and Parkinson's Disease.

  • Elderley person receiving physical therapy care
  • Elderley person in an old home receiving physical therapy in Michigan, USA

Physical Therapy

Clay Street Center offers on-site Physical Therapy, provided by Hulst Jepsen PT, in our recreation and rehab room. Most insurances will cover Physical Therapy at the center with a prescription from a health care provider. Our members benefit from improved strength and balance, less pain, and better daily functioning. Caretakers benefit by not having to take their loved ones to multiple appointments.

Rec and Rehab Center

Thanks to a generous grant from the Greenville Area Community Foundation our attached garage was renovated into a beautiful 880 sq ft room with an ADA compliant bathroom.  We walk, exercise, play active games like corn hole and bowling, enjoy music and have special events in this room.

The Dining Room

The dining room is a place for games, puzzles and socializing, as well as enjoying delicious meals and snacks. It offers a spacious area for activities, and the opportunity to make new friends with other members and our many volunteers.  

We have a Library Lady who visits regularly and introduces us to wonderful books.  We often have musicians and vocalists who share their talents with us.  Interacting with others and having fun are part of every day at Clay Street Center. 

Lunch and Snacks

The staff serves a hot lunch and two nutritious snacks each day. Our members say "The food is delicious!"  Socialization is enjoyed during the meal.  We have fun celebrating birthdays, holidays and any other memorable occasion with a party and special dessert.

  • People at an elderley care home doing crafts

The Classroom

Thanks to a generous grant from Greenville Area Community Foundation (GACF), Clay Street Center has a classroom for daily activities and enrichment opportunities. Memory stimulation, educational and interactive programs help keep people engaged and interested in the world around them. Partnering with educators and other community members provides meaningful new experiences on a variety of interesting topics, including art, music, history and travel.

Clay Street Center

Hours of Operation: 9 AM - 4 PM

Greenville, Michigan


Contact us to learn how we enrich your loved one's life and help you keep them at home!

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Get 10 days free after sign up


Elderley care old folks retirement home Michigan

Clay Street Center

Hours of Operation: 9 AM - 4 PM

Greenville, Michigan
